Friday, October 1, 2010


blaaah. i gotta sore throat. well it's not really SORE, but it feels funny and it makes me wanna cough =( i hate being sick. i have a football game tonight too. i dont think i'm gonna cheer tho. i mean, i'll cheer but i'll just mouth the words haha bc that would really screw up my voice. yesterday my voice was terrible. i sounded like an old man. like old man jenkins from spongebob. but then my mom bought me 2 packs of those halls strawberry throat drops, and now my voice is soo much better.

today i wanted to kick my spanish teacher in the ovaries. i was sittin next to nicole, and he was playing "millionaire". that's what he calls it, anyway. but he was only talking to one student at a time and ignoring everyone else. so nicole and i just start chatting. we're not talking loudly though, just whispering. and mr cylinder's like "NO TALKING!" so we stop. and then we started passing notes to each other since he didnt want us to talk. then at the end of class he taps me on the shoulder and he's like "i saw that. no more passing notes." wth?! when we're talking we get in trouble, and then when we're quiet we get in trouble. wth do you want, man? he's soo annoying. he's not even spanish! he's pasty white and he's got a gray afro with a monk-like bald spot on his head.

the other day i got a weird message on facebook from this guy i used to go out with. he moved to kentucky a year ago, and we havent talked since then. in person, anyway. on facebook, talking to him is annoying because all he says is "sup" it's so aggravating. anyway he was the one who broke up with me, but then the other day i get a message from him and it's like "miss you alot <3" and i'm not exaggerating. the heart was in there too. i read it and i was like "what the heck?" bc he was the one who made me look like an idiot when he broke up with me and then he's messaging me stuff like that. but even though i'm over him, i still have that sort of feeling whenever i see him or talk to him, you know? idk. but it's annoying how he's always chatting me, poking me, and messaging me on facebook when HE broke up with me and even though he always said he wanted to be friends, he never talked to me. i'm still nice to him of course, but srsly? someone probably hacked his account and did that, like his brother or something, bc that's happened to me before. but still i'm like "what if that was really him?" nicole told me that he was supposed to come back, but i havent seen him. i dont think i'd really care if he came back or not. truth is though, if that really was him and he asks me out again or something, i'm not saying yes. that was a mistake the last time that happened. i was far too young and i wasnt ready for that kind of thing. and i still dont think i am now, even though it's been over a year.

~ Emily

PS. happy first day of october!

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