Thursday, October 7, 2010


good news! i'm not sick anymore! well almost. i'm still kinda coughy, but most of my cold is gone =) finally.

nicole and i have this new insider now. it's like hilarious. i love it. most people would probably be like "that's not even funny..." but it is! hahahaha i dont even know why it's funny, but it just is. it comes from the fairly odd parents, when mr. turner is constantly hating on his neighbor, mr. dinkleberg. ahahahah i love it <3

i'm so excited for this book club i joined. wow, i just realized how dorky that sounded lol. but my social studies teacher, mrs bramble, started this book club thingy for 6 freshman girls (like me!) to join and we'd read classics like pride and prejudice<3 and that's what we started on wednesday. it's every wednesday till like 4 PM. we already read the first 4 chapters. it's so funny bc i'm reading with a group of my friends, and it's alottt better than reading it in a class with other people who you might not necessarily like... *coughcough*

ooh! and for cheerleading, i'm decorating football players' lockers! tonight we got to choose which lockers to decorate, and i chose elijah... and this other kid i dont remember. at my school, before the pep rally, each cheerleader picks a football player or football players to decorate their locker. and we're gonna decorate it with footballs and paw prints and it's gonna be so fun! and then for spirit week i'm gonna help the 10th graders decorate their hall! yeaaah.. (=

~ Emily

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