Tuesday, October 12, 2010


have you ever noticed that there are certain parts in cartoons that are perfect for still shots and putting funny texts next to them? hahahaha i just found pictures from spongebob. i love them <3 but this is my favorite.

i'm trying to mix songs for mrs bramble's book club thingy. she told us that we could bring in CDs if we wanted to because she wants us to feel comfortable. she said we could even bring a pillow hahahaa

for some reason lately, i've just been getting this vibe that everybody is fake. like srsly, everyone talks about everyone and then people get mad when they hear that someone said something bad about them. i'm not complaining, bc i do talk about people, i'm not denying it haha. but it makes you really question whether or not people are forreal or if they're just acting like they like you. it srsly bothers me that i basically have to be careful who i trust. bc at my school pretty much EVERYBODY is fake. like everybody. everyone talks about everyone, even if they dont know who they're talking about haha. the only people who i really trust at my school is nicole, melissa, brittany, and devon. no one else <3

~ Emily

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