Saturday, September 18, 2010

Soup Sounds Good Right Now...

yaay! new nail design (= i did white nail polish for a base coat, and then i used black to make a zebra design. i kinda screwed up on some of them. the stripes look too thick, but overall i really like it =D

tonight i made baked shells. it was supposed to be baked ziti, but my mom didnt buy the ziti noodles like i asked her to. she's like "i forgot!" even though it was the first thing i wrote on the list for her to get... >:/ so at the last minute i had to run to the dollar store and since they didnt have any ziti noodles i had to get mini shells. it still tasted good though =) mmm, ricotta and tomato sauce is a great combination <3

i cant believe i already have a major book report thingy due in october. it's like really hard tho. it's not like any book report i've done before. my english teacher's like a drill sergeant and she's having us do this 5-page essay on our independent reading book. she calls it a literay analysis. i'm not even done my book yet. that's cuz it was a requirement that it be over 300 pages! i planned to read some more of it today, but i fell asleep.. hahah

yesterday i had my third varsity game. we won again =) i think it was 47 to 30? or it was 42, i'm not sure. i kinda hate it though because now that i'm a varsity cheerleader i have to spend the entire game cheering and not hanging out with my friends =( i only get to be with them at half-time and that's only for like 10 or 15 minutes. when i say "them" i mean my bestfriend nicole smith<3 i miss her soo much! i dont have like any classes with her this year. only two: career prep & spanish 2. it really suckss.

hmmm, i want wonton soup <3

~ Emily

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