Friday, September 10, 2010

Crazy Old Lady At Varsity Game!!

sooo, i had my second varsity game about 4 hours ago, and it went really well. kinda.. we won, 29-12! =D

but here's the real story: it was the 3rd quarter and this random middle aged woman walks up to our squad and she's like telling us what to do and telling us to cheer louder and to jump higher and spread out. at first we thought it was funny bc she was just some random woman and we were having a fun time screaming at the top of our lungs hahah but then she just kept coming back to us and telling us what to do and we were all getting kind of annoyed by it. so the older varsity cheerleaders tell our coach, and when the woman came back, our coach went up to her and, i didnt hear exactly what she said, but she probly said something along the lines of "please leave my cheerleaders alone. you're not in any position to tell them what to do". and the woman said SO LOUD in the nastiest voice everr, "who are you anyway?!" and then my coach is like "i'm their coach..." and the woman's walking away and she says super loud, "i feel bad for you guys because you got a baaad coach." we were all like "what?!" but it didnt stop at that. the woman's standing near the bleachers and as we're cheering, she's booing us. yeah. nice, right? and she's giving us thumbs down and she's telling people that we're bad and sucky cheerleaders. she's pointing at our coach and us and making nasty faces and the whole squad's getting PISSED OFF. later the woman and her husband moved over near the entrance. it was funny bc the older varsity girls told like 2 people what happened and then we look over 5 minutes later and a GROUP of people, like the highschool boys and even guys and girls that hav graduated from my school, come over to the woman and are like telling her to back the hell off. and my coach goes over there bc it was gettin' kinda heated and like 15 minutes later we see a police car and everyone's like "oh no..!" and then our coach comes by later and she's like "i had the police escort that whack job out". HAHA! i love my cheerleading coach <3

just goes to show you: you dont mess with the cheerleaders..! ;D

~ Emily

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