Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Any Ideas For A New Nail Design?

today was funn =)

on my way back to my locker from lunch, nicole grabs my arm from behind and i didnt know it was her. so i thought that i was about to get raped or something hahah and the whole way to spanish she was laughing at me ahahaha =D then in science, this guy who sits behind me grabs my hand and looked at my zebra nails and he was like "daaayum giirl! them sh*ts are hott!" HAHAHAHAHAHA. plus for lunch today, i had chicken & broccoli with some snow peas and pork. and i had some wonton soup<3 this morning i actually woke up and i was like "it cant honestly still be september..." but today was actually funny loll. but srsly, i just want september to be over and done with!

i'm finished all my homework, and so i'm sitting here listening to lullabies. i dont know why but i really LOVE them. they're so relaxing and sweet. and i love the two christmas songs sung by becky jean williams. her voice makes all the difference (= and for some reason, lately i've been constantly listening to love the way you lie. i really like the chorus and the last verse. while i'm bored at school i sing it in my head ahahaa.

i'm trying to think of another nail design to try. i kinda wanna do another animal print one, but i'm not sure. i wanna try something fun. like a pink cheetah print? i probably cant do that tho hahaa too hard. but i'm really loving my zebra nails =D i wanna paint other people's nails. all i've done are my own, i've never painted other people's nails =(

~ Emily

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