Friday, September 3, 2010

Home: 40, Guest: 32 !

ahhh, got back from my first varsity game about 2 hours ago. it was sooo great! at first i was a little nervous. i've cheered at games before, but i was so scared because now i'm on varsity, and everyone's lookin' at you and if you mess up it's like "aggghh!" and i messed up. quite a lot, actually haha. but other than that, the unbearable humidity and dust flying everywhere, the game was fabulous =D and we won!

♫ i'm miles from where you are. i lay down on the cold ground and i, i pray that something picks me up, and sets me down in your warm arms ♫ - Set Fire To The Third Bar (Snow Patrol)

i'm so excited because i went to walmart yesterday and got a straightener. so i can straighten my straight hair even more now! lol naah, actually i wanted to use a straightener to curl my hair because i dont really like how curling irons and rollers curl my hair. it looks weird to me... but now i'm happy =)

still obsessed with little house on the prairie btw. hahaa i'm watching it right now! it's about a black doctor ahaha


Q: What's your favorite planet?
A: Earth, cuz i live there (;

Q: What brand of shoes are you wearing?
A: barefoot!

Q: Do you want to get married?
A: of course!

Q: Are you too shy to ask someone out?
A: most definitely..

Q: What do you want to be when you grow up?
A: i'm still thinking...

~ Emily

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