Monday, September 13, 2010

Cheer Practice and Ghetto Ice Cream Sandwiches

blah. i have cheer practice in like 2 hours. i reaaally dont wanna go. just too tired. i dont feel like jumping ahah. but the good news is that i actually didnt have alott of homework today. i finished it all before 3:30 lol. and mmm, i just had a vanilla icecream sandwich <3 i found this picture of a box of icecream sandwiches, and i thought the brand name was funny. maybe thats the kind of icecream sandwiches they have in the ghetto!

yesterday after church i went to kyra's house again. i have some really fun times with that girl =) for lunch we heated up leftover ribs that were like COVERED in barbeque sauce from the church meet & greet. they were soooo good. like beyond tasty. i wish i had some right now. we played tanks on wii play for hours. we had a carwash yesterday, even tho it was like about to rain hahah and got soaked bc she kept grabbing the hose from me and so the water and soap suds were getting everywhere. for dinner her mom made chicken parmesan with noodles and garlic bread (yummmmm!) <3 it's becoming, actually became, a weekly thing when i go to her house until like 8 after church.

~ Emily

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