Thursday, October 14, 2010

Mmmm... Whoppers... =)

just finished the longest practice ever. tomorrow's the pep rally and we were practicing in the LGI room for like an hour and a half. and then we had to spend two hours cutting out and making decorations for the football players' lockers. the LGI was soooo hot and we were sweating and everyone was exhausted. ohmygosh by the end of practice i wanted to take the scissors and end my misery.

i was getting so pissed during practice bc i was srsly standing on the side the entire time. just me. everyone was doing the lift and i was on the side just standing there bc no one gave me anything to do for the routine. i hate how the seniors dont incorporate everybody in the lifts. it's so annoying, it makes me feel like i'm not good at anything so they just stick me on the side. ugh, whatever.

i was so upset after school because i wanted to go to burger king with nicole! it was raining though, and my dad wouldnt let me go =( i wanted a whopper so badly! i still do! haha, i hate those serious cravings you get for that one type of food. like you need THAT food and nothing else. i really wish that i could eat whatever i want and not gain any weight at all. some people are like that, and they are sooo lucky! i reaaallly want a whopper and fries right now. with zesty sauce.

~ Emily

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


have you ever noticed that there are certain parts in cartoons that are perfect for still shots and putting funny texts next to them? hahahaha i just found pictures from spongebob. i love them <3 but this is my favorite.

i'm trying to mix songs for mrs bramble's book club thingy. she told us that we could bring in CDs if we wanted to because she wants us to feel comfortable. she said we could even bring a pillow hahahaa

for some reason lately, i've just been getting this vibe that everybody is fake. like srsly, everyone talks about everyone and then people get mad when they hear that someone said something bad about them. i'm not complaining, bc i do talk about people, i'm not denying it haha. but it makes you really question whether or not people are forreal or if they're just acting like they like you. it srsly bothers me that i basically have to be careful who i trust. bc at my school pretty much EVERYBODY is fake. like everybody. everyone talks about everyone, even if they dont know who they're talking about haha. the only people who i really trust at my school is nicole, melissa, brittany, and devon. no one else <3

~ Emily

Monday, October 11, 2010

Wanna Have A Social Life Again =(

i cant believe how much homework i had this weekend. i literally did NOTHING last weekend except study and do deliman homework. and i watched pride & prejudice, but that was like right after i finished everything. oh, and i went to church haha =) but i'm so sick of not being able to be with my friends when i want to. i wanna be able to go places on friday nights again, but i cant because i have all this crap to finish. and i know i have to finish work first otherwise i wont hear the end of it from my mother =P

speaking of my mother, she's not speaking to me because she's mad at me because she caught my cold. yeah, i know. she's just... you know, nuts. she's like "YOU GAVE ME YOUR COLD!" it's fine with me though. if she was healthy i'd have to talk to her =D

♫ if we were a movie, you'd be the right guy. and i'd be the bestfriend that you'd fall in love with ♫ hahahaa these two girls, peyton & jessica, were singing that the whole time on the bus when we were driving back from an away game for cheerleading.

i still dont know what i wanna be for halloween. i actually dont know if i'm doing halloween this year. my family probably wont let me anyway because they dont really like halloween. i remember when i was little i hated halloween because i hated dressing up and going out in public haha. i was scared people would laugh at me lol

~ Emily

PS. my extremely talented sister carved the pumpkin in the picture <3

Thursday, October 7, 2010


good news! i'm not sick anymore! well almost. i'm still kinda coughy, but most of my cold is gone =) finally.

nicole and i have this new insider now. it's like hilarious. i love it. most people would probably be like "that's not even funny..." but it is! hahahaha i dont even know why it's funny, but it just is. it comes from the fairly odd parents, when mr. turner is constantly hating on his neighbor, mr. dinkleberg. ahahahah i love it <3

i'm so excited for this book club i joined. wow, i just realized how dorky that sounded lol. but my social studies teacher, mrs bramble, started this book club thingy for 6 freshman girls (like me!) to join and we'd read classics like pride and prejudice<3 and that's what we started on wednesday. it's every wednesday till like 4 PM. we already read the first 4 chapters. it's so funny bc i'm reading with a group of my friends, and it's alottt better than reading it in a class with other people who you might not necessarily like... *coughcough*

ooh! and for cheerleading, i'm decorating football players' lockers! tonight we got to choose which lockers to decorate, and i chose elijah... and this other kid i dont remember. at my school, before the pep rally, each cheerleader picks a football player or football players to decorate their locker. and we're gonna decorate it with footballs and paw prints and it's gonna be so fun! and then for spirit week i'm gonna help the 10th graders decorate their hall! yeaaah.. (=

~ Emily

Monday, October 4, 2010

I'm So Tired of Being Sick!

acck! sneezy and coughy and phlegmy is such a digusting combination. i wasnt this sick last week and then suddenly over the weekend i got all congested and gross. this week's gonna SUCK.

my dad made me stay home today from school. i wanted to go despite my sneezing, because i wanted to see nicole! i havent seen her in days! and i know that i probably missed so much work in deliman today. i probably have a project due tomorrow hahaa. i still have to work on my literary analysis... crap.

ugh, i cannot wait until this cold passes. i hate being sick so much. it's so stupid how once you get a certain illness, you're immune to it from then on, but there are like 60 types of cold viruses that do the exact same thing: sneezy, mucusy etc. and so you get sick with the cold like 50 billion times in your whole life. it's so annoying. i hate getting sick! i'm like srsly so frustrated right now. i hate staying home sick too. because my dad stays with me and he never lets me do anything. he always makes me stay in bed and sleep. all day. i'm not saying that's necessarily a bad thing, but he doesnt even let me up to pee! i'll be walking around in the kitchen to get a glass of water and he'll be like "get back to bed and rest!" it's soo annoying!

~ Emily

Friday, October 1, 2010


blaaah. i gotta sore throat. well it's not really SORE, but it feels funny and it makes me wanna cough =( i hate being sick. i have a football game tonight too. i dont think i'm gonna cheer tho. i mean, i'll cheer but i'll just mouth the words haha bc that would really screw up my voice. yesterday my voice was terrible. i sounded like an old man. like old man jenkins from spongebob. but then my mom bought me 2 packs of those halls strawberry throat drops, and now my voice is soo much better.

today i wanted to kick my spanish teacher in the ovaries. i was sittin next to nicole, and he was playing "millionaire". that's what he calls it, anyway. but he was only talking to one student at a time and ignoring everyone else. so nicole and i just start chatting. we're not talking loudly though, just whispering. and mr cylinder's like "NO TALKING!" so we stop. and then we started passing notes to each other since he didnt want us to talk. then at the end of class he taps me on the shoulder and he's like "i saw that. no more passing notes." wth?! when we're talking we get in trouble, and then when we're quiet we get in trouble. wth do you want, man? he's soo annoying. he's not even spanish! he's pasty white and he's got a gray afro with a monk-like bald spot on his head.

the other day i got a weird message on facebook from this guy i used to go out with. he moved to kentucky a year ago, and we havent talked since then. in person, anyway. on facebook, talking to him is annoying because all he says is "sup" it's so aggravating. anyway he was the one who broke up with me, but then the other day i get a message from him and it's like "miss you alot <3" and i'm not exaggerating. the heart was in there too. i read it and i was like "what the heck?" bc he was the one who made me look like an idiot when he broke up with me and then he's messaging me stuff like that. but even though i'm over him, i still have that sort of feeling whenever i see him or talk to him, you know? idk. but it's annoying how he's always chatting me, poking me, and messaging me on facebook when HE broke up with me and even though he always said he wanted to be friends, he never talked to me. i'm still nice to him of course, but srsly? someone probably hacked his account and did that, like his brother or something, bc that's happened to me before. but still i'm like "what if that was really him?" nicole told me that he was supposed to come back, but i havent seen him. i dont think i'd really care if he came back or not. truth is though, if that really was him and he asks me out again or something, i'm not saying yes. that was a mistake the last time that happened. i was far too young and i wasnt ready for that kind of thing. and i still dont think i am now, even though it's been over a year.

~ Emily

PS. happy first day of october!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

I Should Probably Be Sleeping...

mmkay, so if you've read my blog before you've probably read the one where i talk about my friend from church, kyra. and remember how i said before that i have some pretty good times with her and that she's one of my best friends? yeah. well i forgot to mention some things about her... (let me just say that i still love her like a sister, but sometimes i just wanna pop her little head off!)

so today after church, like usual, i went over to her house until around 8 PM. we did the usual thing, you know, play tanks, watch tv, cook etc. but ugggh! she's so childish! at church she's constantly interfering. we have this arrangement with the church where i watch the nursery kids on the even dates, and she watches them on the odd dates. every time i'm watching them, she's always coming back and saying "i came back to blow my nose" or "i had a headache.." agggh! it's so annoying! she's using that as an excuse to get out of church service. i know why. it's cuz she thinks it's boring. welll... suck it up! and even her parents always make excuses for her. it's her mom, really. every time she acts like this she blames it on what she calls the "only-child syndrome". are you kidding me? that worked when she was like 9, but 13? please. and she thinks she's like super special or something. i know that sounds mean, but i really dont know how else to describe it. she's always trying to show me up in front of people and like bragging to me how she has a "job". yeah, i dont think it counts when you're paid in cash by your mother for vacuuming a carpet in the church every sunday. like no offense to her, but if she actually considers that a real job and she puts her mother in the references section of her resume, her employer is going to laugh at her. and since her family is like super christian, they wont even let kyra listen to any other genre of music except christian contemporary. and she's always making me listen to it with her for HOURS. i have nothing against christian contemporary, i love it. but i dont wanna listen to it 24/7. i'm not allowed to listen to my music when i go on trips with her because it's "bad". and i'm sorry, but the way her parents discipline her is kind of pathetic. and it's not helping her grow, in any way, at all. and the fact that her two grandparents live with her and buy her anything she wants is not helping either.

i'm not saying i dont like kyra. but... she can just be really really obnoxious. she can be fun, she has her moments. but the thing that bothers me about her the most is that she's soooo immature. she's only one year younger than me and she watches like a billion of those anime crap shows and something "angel wars" or some type of crap like that. she calls herself an "anime-ist" bc she draws alott of anime characters that she makes up herself. i'm sorry, but i HATE ANIME. hate it. and earlier when we were going up the stairs she was huffing and panting and i was like "we gotta get you into some sports girl!" and she was like "i do sports! every tuesday i go to kids sports. we do jump rope, hopscotch..." are you kidding me? hop scotch? and everything has to be done for her. she's like that bc her mom is always insisting that she does everything for her. she packs her suitcase for her, makes her all her meals for her, she even homeschools her instead of sending her to public school which would give her social skills instead of keeping her unexposed to the real world like a freaking penguin stuck in a snow globe.

alright, i'm gonna stop now bc i dont want you to think that i hate her bc i dont. i just had to type that in a blog bc this was really bothering me and now.. there you go!

~ Emily