Thursday, September 2, 2010

Bean Cakes!

oh my gosh.. there's like 5 days left of summer and i'll be starting school again and my sleep schedule is still screwed up. i'm staying up till like 1 AM because i cant fall asleep any earlier and waking up at like 10 AM or later into the afternoon. aghh!

yesterday my mom came home from work with a bunch of packages of the same snack: bean cakes. they're so good! apparently there's a person at her work who lives near a chinese market and she goes there a lot and gets things like snacks, vegetables, fruits etc. and she brought bean cakes to work and gave some to my mom and she kept giving them to her because my mom told her i liked them =) the outside's so flaky and the bean and rice paste inside and all gooey and delicious <3

"beauty is not in the face, beauty is a light in the heart” <3

i re-did my nailss! and i really like this one. i used a metallic pale blue and then plain white and black. you need a really steady hand to do this one, though. i messed up a buncha times before i got it right. but it's so pretty, i really like it =)

♫ how wonderful life is now you're in the world... ♫ - Your Song (Ewan McGregor)

~ Emily

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