Saturday, September 25, 2010

I Love This Giraffe!

la dee da dee daah...

so it's 12:13 right now and i'm still doing my honors english homework. FML. ugh, mrs. deliman has just taken over my life! i have like no time to hang out with my friends anymore because i'm always stuck doing her homework and other crap. i'm so tired too, i just wanna sleep and sleep sleep... and right now i just wanna run away to somewhere, anywhere's fine with me, and dont come back. atleast not for a while anyway.

eewww.. i got this mosquito bite on my leg, and idk why but i scratched it once and it just like burst open. i know...! it's sooo gross. dont you usually have to scratch it like alottt for that to happen? i only scratched it once, and really lightly too! and it's soo nasty.. sorry, but i.. i just had to share that hahaa

okay so lately i have been having an obsession with photography. i love going on photobucket and just looking at photography. but i hate it when people just post themselves into the "best of photography" section, as if they're cool or something. i like the interesting pictures. like on my bestie's tumblr, she always has alott of cool pictures. i found one picture that i like. REALLY LIKE actually. it's my favorite out of my entire photography folder. it's a giraffe, but it's really up-close and interesting =)

~ Emily

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