Sunday, September 19, 2010

Do Your Best & Guess =)

alright, so i'm gonna tell you about someone. let's see if you can guess who it is =)

she's pretty much been there for me through thick and through thin. when i couldnt possibly stand my parents for another second, she was there. when my cat died, she was there. when my dog who i've had all my life died, she was there. when all i wanted to do was curl up into a ball & cry because i hated my life, she was there. we started a notebook. we would exchange it at school every day and write a diary entry in it every night talking about our innermost feelings and desires hahaa. and we would add funny drawings, quotes, and lyrics. but lately we havent been writing in it because we dont get a chance to see each other during or after school )= so i guess we decided that blogs would help that problem lol. she reads mine & i read hers. i can talk to her about pretty much everything and she's so laughy & easygoing and i love that about her. she's obsessed with music (especially all time low) which is great because i love music too. i think we can both be content and have a fun time just sitting at one another's houses, eating and talking. it's one of the joys of our lives ahaha she sounds amazing, right? wait till you hear what she has to put up with...

i'm pessimistic. i get jealous. i'm not very self-confident. even though she tells me that i'm pretty, i always say "i'm not" because i dont think i am. i hold grudges sometimes. every now and then i'm mean, just because i want to be. i'm awkward. and shy. i'm so paranoid. it's only a matter of time before i'm diagnosed with OCD. i get emotional too easily. my face is covered in extremely unattractive zits. even though i'm proud of my religion and i'm not afraid to show it, i'm sure it probably annoys people. i'm an obstinate person. i can be selfish. i've lied. one day i'm gonna get fatter than i already am from how much i love and talk about food. i have $7 on my dresser right now. it's not mine.. it's my mother's. i took it from her wallet /=

so even though i'm all those things, and i've done all those things, this person still decides that she wants to have anything to do with me. thank you for putting up with my crap and being my bestfriend all these years =)

did you guess who it is yet? it's nicole brianne smith<3

~ Emily

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