Monday, August 30, 2010

Dear Summer, Why Do You Always Go By So Fast?

darn it! i really wanted to go to my bestfriend's house today, but her stepmom is making her clean. i havent hung out with her in a while too :( it's alright, i guess. there's always tomorrow! =)

for some reason, all i've been watching lately is little house on the prairie. my mom and dad like that show and so they bought 8 seasons of it on DVD. i watched it before, but never this much. it's almost like there's a never-ending little house on the prairie marathon going on at my house ahah. i actually love it. i mean it's no jersey shore, but it's a good show haha.

♫ this town used to be a pretty place to stay. a place to stop up on the highway. but all of those things changed on the day you packed up your bags and you ran away. all they say is how you changed. every day i stay the same. so you can keep the necklace that i gave to you, i'll keep the sh*tty tattoos ♫ - RIP (3OH!3)

i feel so fat. i've been getting these terrible, unbearable cravings for unhealthy stuff. like cheese fries... (mmmm) i'm such a foodie. i love to cook food, and i love to eat food. i've been helping my mother with meals ever since i could hold a fork and spoon. i've loved every moment that i've cooked breakfast, lunch, or dinner. even if it was something simple, like rice. i just love cooking <3

i cant believe that in one week i'll be going back to school. this summer went by way too fast. they always do =/ i'm kind of excited at the fact that i'm now officially in high school, but i'm also a little nervous. it's gonna so much harder than middle school, and i'm scared i wont be able to handle it. especially with my mom at my throat. if you knew her you'd understand. she's one of those moms who, even if you try your absolute best and you get even an A-, she's still not satisfied and makes me work and study harder. i guess that's good, because even i dont like A-'s. i dont like Bs either. to my mom and dad, B is basic. Bs, Cs, Ds, and certainly not Fs are allowed in my family. i think they'd make me sleep outside if i ever got a D or something haha. no, they wouldnt but they'd probably beat me ahaha.

~ Emily

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